Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! I'm not real sure any of this is going to be very interesting, but I think it is and I think I'm a bit interesting (if not weird) so there should be some "thing" of substance here....don't you think? Anyway, I have been giving a lot of thought to my very first blog entry. I've almost been nervous about it. I decided after my "appointment" tonight that I would finally post and get that first step over with. After all, you can't go anywhere if you don't take the first step, right?!

Without boring you with too many details, I will share some things about myself. I am a single mom of the best little 6 year old boy a person could have. Who ever thought you could love someone so much!?!?! I'm divorced and happy about that....enough said. I'm on a journey of discovery right now and that journey includes so many things that I thought a blog would help me keep it straight and also keep a sense of humor about it. I love to run and bike. I like hanging with my girlfriends and by myself. I more than adore white wine and am learning an appreciation for reds. Red wine is actually helping me to "slow down" and enjoy the drink. Who knew you could sip wine?? I like being social and I like hiding away. Travel is on my agenda as often as I can swing it (more like as often as my pocket book will let me). My boyfriend is the best and pretty darn cute too!

So, what does all this have to do with teamwork you ask? (well, if you haven't been asking I can admit that I have!). Well, my appointment tonight was an Open House for my 1st Grader. Teamwork is important as we all come together to give our children the best education possible. How can we ask one person (the teacher) to do it all when they have 20 little sponges everyday?! It's amazing they still have a sense of humor. I'm going to be volunteering in the classroom and I am excited to be part of the team!

Teamwork is also important in a relationship. I know that, but it is sometimes a hard concept to put into practice. I experienced a bit of that in my own relationship today. The saying goes, "There is no I in Team"....when one part of an us is not doing well, how in the hell can the other person be "ok"? When we love someone and we know something is wrong or at least not right how can the we act like everything is peachy keen? Boys are dumb.....

I wanna be part of a team again. I don't necessairly want to do team sports per se, I just want to get back in the swing of my sports (running and biking). I need a goal and a reason to hurt myself (in a good way) with the daily grind of exercise. I have lots of friends that are runners etc. but I shy away from running with them, afraid I will die, not live up to my expectations, or be too slow for them...blah, blah, blah. Just excuses. I have lots of excuses but I won't bore you with them. I think the saying goes, "Excuses are like assholes, we all have them." Well, just like that I have them. I just need to get control of them. I want to do a triathlon. That will be my goal. I will sign up for my very first one in 2010. I am going to watch my very first one over labor day weekend. That should get the motivation on!

Well, here's to my first post. Done and documented for the world to see.....Hello World! I will try to keep future posts "in control" and on topic but I can't promise. Until then...Cheers!!!