Monday, September 28, 2009

In Good Health

Ok, so I've been battling this virus.  It makes me tired.  And my body aches.  But, it's not so bad that it totally puts me down.  It just makes it hard to do more than the day to day stuff....i.e. workout.  I have been getting better.  Since I have been battling this nasty little bug, I have decided to use this as a wake up call.  You know how you always think "I will eat better.  I will take care of my body", but you never really do.  Well, this has really been the catalyst for me.  I'm trying to heal myself, kind of like a mind over matter thing.  Every time I eat good things for my body I tell myself the food is helping to heal my body.  It's really been working.  I've turned over a new leaf so to speak.  My workouts have been good.  I am really pushing myself so they don't always feel "good" at the time.  But, I feel great when I am done.  Today I ran for 30 minutes (that did not feel good), then I did the step mill for 30 minutes (always feels good).  When I got done I felt I needed to run a little to test the fatigue in my legs.  I was at the gym and ran 2 laps, walked 1 lap.  I did this 4 times.  On the run, I didn't jog, I ran....hard.  It all felt good when I was done.

Here's to good health!   Cheers!

(I hope I don't regret writing this in a couple of weeks....I can see the post now....Duped by Chocolate and Laziness!...Noooooooo!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm a Believer

Ok, so it's been awhile....sorry.  Thanks to all my fans (the one or two I know that actually read this) for sticking with me.  I was camping this past Labor Day weekend and saw the triathlon I talked about in the last post.  It was called the Triple V (V V V for Veni, Vidi, Vici).  G, D and I were all going to go a watch.  A special shout out to C-man who stayed back with the kiddos....thanks!!  G rode her bike (she was too slow from the 18 miles she ran the day before), so D and I walked.  Now we knew the triathlon was taking place at the marina and we "knew" the marina was 3 miles away.  But, for some reason that all didn't register and 20 minutes before the start we headed out.  Um, yeah, 3 miles running in 20 minutes would be an all time PR for me (high school included).  So there we were hoofin it to the start.  I was gettin kinda cranky knowing I would be missing the swim and that we had like 15000 miles to go.  But, I wasn't gonna say anything.  Then...D said something about how we should have driven.  WTF?  That unlatched the flood gates.  I complained and complained and complained and my coffee was cold.  D finally turned to me and said, "You don't have any coffee in that mug do you?  You just brought it to carry all your issues!"  Ok, that was kind of funny.

We finally arrived and made it just before the lead bikers came into T2.  I then see some really good guy fly off his bike, run with his bike into T2, and run out all in like 2 blinks.  It was truly amazing.  As he was running out of transition, I saw the most beautiful grapefruits in his speedo.....yes folks, his ass was amazing.  I think I drooled a little.  Hope you weren't thinking I meant something else.  Anyway, I digress.  It was all very cool and motivating.  It seems like a good course and I am seriously thinking about next year. I think it's great that all levels of athlete are out there testing their bodies.  I tend to compare myself to others.  I don't want to half-ass something.  I want to be the best I can be when I do these things.  I get too disappointed otherwise.  I don't want to be disappointed.  There's part of my motivation I guess.

As I mentioned earlier, my friend G ran 18 miles the day before.  G, the badass that she is, is training for the NYC Marathon.  I'm so pumped for her.  Now part of her training program involves the run/walk method.  Gasp!  Yes, I said run/walk.  Now I would normally consider "walking" during my run a failure.  However, quite frankly, my runs have been sucking lately.  So, G told D and I about the run/walk and C-man is gave his testimonial.  So there we were, D and I deciding to do at least 4 miles and more if we felt good.  The basic premise is run one mile, walk a minute, run another mile, walk one minute, run a mile, walk a minute, etc....You get the picture.  Now the key is to make sure you walk after each mile.  You can't run 4 and then start the walking.  By starting from the beginning you are allowing you legs one minute recovery and you are able to maintain consistent miles instead of slowing down.  D and I ran 6 miles and definitely did not feel like we did.  We actually did, cuz my Garmin said so!  Now, I have been struggling through a periodic 4 miles and D hasn't really run since his half marathon in May.  We are now believers.  I will run/walk all my mileage higher than 3 miles.  It's so nice to run and actually have something left at the end.  Here's a little info on the  Galloway method .  Try it sometime.  I think I like running again.  I actually want to train for something.  I guess better late than never huh?

Until next time,