Saturday, October 3, 2009

May the Force Be With You

I just got back from a run this morning.  I ran about 6 miles in just about 1 hour.  I have to tell you this is just the icing on the cake of a week of AWESOME workouts.  I needed the long slow run today just to top it off.  I don't think I could have done a really intense workout.  I was beat from the week.  Here it is in a nutshell.
  • Monday: Went to gym, ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes on the step mill, then some more running on the track.  I sprinted 2 laps and walked one.  Did this 4 times.  Felt pretty good when done.
  • Tuesday:  Took spin circuit class at endurance.  That class totally kicks ass.  Weights and cycling together and separate.  Was a dripping mess when done.
  • Wednesday:  Attended a heated cycling class, 1 hour.  Amy had us use weights while on the bike.  The room was around 85 degrees.  I was a sweaty mess and completely exhausted when done.  Felt sooooo good though.
  • Thursday:  Cardio Core class with Traci (uh, starting to rethink that I might want her as personal trainer, she's tough!).  Was awesome.  My stomach muscles hurt so bad on Friday.  I also walked Thursday eve for 30 minutes while my son was at swim lessons.
  • Friday:  Day off (much needed too!)
I look back on this week and feel that I really pushed myself.  I pushed much harder than I have in a long time.  My eating was pretty on track this week too.  I finally dropped 5 pounds that my body was hanging on to for the last 2 weeks.  Overall, I'm feeling pretty good.  Let's hope this continues on.  I want it to, so maybe it will.  I'll keep trying that for sure.

I had a funky dream last night too.  I was doing my first triathlon.  It was so disorganized and people weren't doing the right things at the right time.  Instead of a swim we had to run on a little tramp or do the step mill.  I kept falling on the tramp so I went to the step mill.  When I got to the bike, my helmet was the Boba Fett Helmet.  In my dream I wore it with my tank and tri shorts.  What a dork!  Can't you just picture it?!?!

Picture compliments of "Wookiepedia"
The dream was just a mash of what my son wants to be for Halloween, I watched a triathlon last night on television, and probably all my workouts from the week.  Have I gone Mad???

I slept in until 9am today.  I'm going shopping this afternoon and I'm off to Vegas next week.  Got lots to do and things to buy and more workouts to be done this week.  Until next time, may the force be with you!  Cheers!  

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