Monday, February 21, 2011

Rx: Exercise

You know it's pretty bad when the resident 7 year old becomes your motivation.  On Thursday ( a normal gym day for me), I asked my little one if he still wanted to go to the gym.  Now, I was entirely hoping he would say no.  He said yes, but not right away. He wanted to eat and hang at home for a little bit.  To me that says no.  So I made him dinner and went upstairs to veg.  I ended up taking a bit of a power nap (so refreshing!).  My little conscience came upstairs and wanted to know when we were going to the we went.  Now getting there is many times the hardest part and this time it was.  Once I am there, I have no problem.  I just go!  So, Thursday my prescription was filled and I felt good. 

Now, as you know, when you don't take all you medicine, you start feeling bad again.  Ta da!  Enter me by Monday.  I didn't work out Friday.  I chose to not work out on Saturday even though I had a window of opportunity.  WOO does not open very often for me and I generally take advantage of it.  Do you want to know why I didn't fulfill my prescription that day???  LAME!  I was all dolled up from having pics taken in the morning and didn't want to mess everything up!  L-A-M-E.  It was even 40-some degrees out. LAME-O!  Now, it's Sunday.  Freezing rain and basically Mother Nature shitting all over us again.  Had to go get my little guy from a sleep over, and try not to drive off the road.  Little man did not sleep at the sleep over (does that just make it an "over"?) and proceeded to sleep the rest of the day.  Then throw up the rest of the night.  Sigh....I hate cleaning up throw-up!  Nothing makes you lose your appetite faster.

Monday, day 4 of no prescription.  By now, it's pretty dark in my world.  Ugh.  In my pj's all day with the sick dude.  Late afternoon, the sick demons have left and energy is taking hold in lil man.....but not me.  I told lil man earlier in the day that I would come down and run when he watches Batman.  Of course, he held me to it.  It was a struggle getting myself to the treadmill but once I got there it was good.  Success number 2 for the lil man.  Thank God for that at the moment.  I can't seem to find it myself lately.  I will take it in any form it comes, I just need it to come back soon, k?

It would sure be nice if I had some memory recall when I start to feel bad so I could fall back into my prescription and feel better.  Maybe it's wrong on some level that I run for escape, maybe its not.  I will just keep taking my "prescription" so I can feel better.  Now if I can just remember that!!!

 Why do you run?  What keeps you motivated? 

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