Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Year - Low Motivation

It's that time again.....when I think I will try to do this again.  I keep thinking if I get my thoughts out there, I will be able to sort through them more effectively.  Since I last posted (which seems like one-hundred years ago), not much has changed in the "competition" realm.  I really haven't done much in the way of entering a race.  Quite honestly, I think I'm scared to try anything.  I have this fear I won't live up to my expectations (unrealistic that they are).  At the same time, I'm missing out on the pure joy of being in the competition.  Since Labor Day of 2010, I have been following a lower carb way of eating and working out with my own personal Jillian.  It has been wonderful!  I've dropped 15 pounds and was able to maintain over the holidays.  How great is that!  Cool!

Now, it's 2011 and the brunt of winter and the SAD blues have set in.  Motivation has packed its bags and moved out with no forwarding address.  Makes me more sad.  Somehow, I have to find a way to "turn this frown upside down".  How stupid is that!?!?!  I haven't been training with my Jillian and that bugs me.  Our schedules haven't meshed which happens sometimes, but I need her now more than ever.  I tend to get off track, especially this time of year.  I'm feeling lost as to what I want to do and what I think I am capable of doing.  I found out in December that I have a labral tear in my hip.  The cortisone shot has done wonders for it but it has made me rethink my running distances.  I decided not to do 1/2 marathons anymore.  But, I find myself missing the thought of running those races.  I'm not convinced I'm giving it up yet.  We will see.  I want to try some new things too, like more biking and triathlons.  Yes, I know I said I wanted that last year too, but I can try again, so I will.

In about 2 weeks I will be heading off to a girls weekend with some old friends.  I have a lot of reservations about that too.  I'm a little apprehensive about seeing everyone again. It's been a very long time and they really don't know me anymore...well, at least the person I am today, which I think is extremely boring.  It will be an interesting weekend for sure.  I see myself more of an observer than anything.  Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to it, I have just been really out of the loop for the past...oh, 7 or 8 years.  Nice. Yeah, nice.

Well, I will try to keep up this journey this year.  It will be an interesting year for sure.  Many changes are sure to happen by years end and it should be a wild ride.  Hope you stick with me as I will try to update more often.


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